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Friday 27 July 2012

Strategic Initiatives .

Assalamualaikum readers. I want to discuss and summarize what i understand in Chapter 3 of IT.

For your information, all company no matter small company of large company undertake high profile strategy initiatives such as :

1. Supply Chain Management - SCM
- Involves management of information flows btween & among stages in supply chain to maximize supply chain effectiveness and profitability.
- In SCM, there are four basic component that are supply chain strategy,partner,operation and logistics.
Organization enables to increase supplier power,increase switching cost,create entry barriers and etc.

2. Customer Relationship Management - CRM
- Manage all aspects of a customer's relationship with organization to increase their customer loyalty and organization's profitability.
- CRM also a strategy,process and business process that organization must have.
by applying CRM, organization can identify types of customers, treat customers as an individual, understand customers buying behaviour.

3. Business Process Reengineering - BPR
-BPR is like standardized set of activities that accomplish a specific task such as processing a customers order such as McDonalds, KFC and so on.

4. Enterprise Resource Planning - ERP
-ERP integrates all department & functions thru an organization into single IT system.
-Employees make decision by view enterprisewide information on all business operations.
-Collects data from across an organization and correlates data generating enterprisewide view.

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