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Friday 27 July 2012

Measuring the Success of Strategic Initiatives .

Are you done study chapter 3 that tell us Strategic Initiatives ?
At this entry, i will explain to you about measuring the success of strategic initiatives .

                                                     Do you know Key Performance Indicator  ???

                                                    *it measures that are tied with business drivers.
                                                    *it measure the business performance.

Metric - detailed measures that feed KPIs.

Efficiency IT metric - efficiency is like doing the things right and follow the process.
                              -  it measures the performance of IT system such as throughput,speed and availability.

Effectiveness IT metric - effectiveness is doing the right things.
                                   - measures impact IT has on business processes & activity include customer                                  
                                      satisfaction, conversion rates and sell through increases.

*process measures system results, compare result to optimal system performance
*identify steps and procedures to improve system performance.

Metrics used for strategic initiatives include :
1. website
2. SCM
3. CRM
4. BPR
5. ERP

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