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assalamualaikum ,i'm clumsy. simple but talkative.

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Friday 27 July 2012

Welcome Unit Two Chapter 6 !



Illustration of employees
employees must be able to obtain and analyze many different levels, formats and granularitites of organizational information to make decisions.

Timeliness = aspect of information that depends on situation.
Real time info -> immediate and up to date information
Real time system -> provide real time info to query requests


4 Primary sources of low quality information include :
1. online customers intentionally enter inaccurate info to protect their privacy
2. info from different system have different entry standards and formats
3. call center operator enter abbreviated info by accident or to save time
4. 3rd party and external info contain inconsistencies,inaccuracies and errors.

Potential business effects result from low quality info include :
*inability to accurate track customers
*difficulty identify value customers
*inability to identify selling opportunities
*marketing to nonexistent customers
*difficulty track revenue due to inaccurate invoices
*inability to build strong customer relationship

High quality info improve chances to making good decision
Good decision impact an organization's bottom line

Kittens learning to read book together . So cute !

Good night and sweet dreams ^^

Organizational Structure that Support Strategic Initiatives.

Now, lets discuss about Chapter 5. Pejam celik pejam celik dah chapter 5 dah kan.

Cool right this quote ? HAHAHA
Ok²Now i will start comment about this chapter.
But or you understand this chapter ? Yes or no or half half ? ^^

Lets start now !
Organizational employees must work together to develop strategic initiatives that create competitive advantages.

Recent IT- related strategic positions :
Chief Information Officer - CIO
Chief Technology Officer - CTO
Chief Security Officer - CSO
Chief Privacy Officer - CPO
Chief Knowledge Officer - CKO

CIO oversees uses of IT and ensures strategic alignment of IT with business goals and objectives.

CTO responsible for ensure the throughput,speed,accuracy,availability
CSO responsible for ensuring security of IT systems
CPO responsible for ensuring  ethical and legal use of information
CKO responsible for collect,maintain and distribute organization's knowledge

Ethics - principles and standards that guide behaviour toward other people.
Privacy - right to be alone when we want,have control over our personal possessions 

Organization information = intellectual capital that must be protected.
Information strategy is protection of information from accidental or intentional misuse by person inside or outside organization.

Thats all that i can comment about this chapter. Thank you :)

Measuring the Success of Strategic Initiatives .

Are you done study chapter 3 that tell us Strategic Initiatives ?
At this entry, i will explain to you about measuring the success of strategic initiatives .

                                                     Do you know Key Performance Indicator  ???

                                                    *it measures that are tied with business drivers.
                                                    *it measure the business performance.

Metric - detailed measures that feed KPIs.

Efficiency IT metric - efficiency is like doing the things right and follow the process.
                              -  it measures the performance of IT system such as throughput,speed and availability.

Effectiveness IT metric - effectiveness is doing the right things.
                                   - measures impact IT has on business processes & activity include customer                                  
                                      satisfaction, conversion rates and sell through increases.

*process measures system results, compare result to optimal system performance
*identify steps and procedures to improve system performance.

Metrics used for strategic initiatives include :
1. website
2. SCM
3. CRM
4. BPR
5. ERP

Strategic Initiatives .

Assalamualaikum readers. I want to discuss and summarize what i understand in Chapter 3 of IT.

For your information, all company no matter small company of large company undertake high profile strategy initiatives such as :

1. Supply Chain Management - SCM
- Involves management of information flows btween & among stages in supply chain to maximize supply chain effectiveness and profitability.
- In SCM, there are four basic component that are supply chain strategy,partner,operation and logistics.
Organization enables to increase supplier power,increase switching cost,create entry barriers and etc.

2. Customer Relationship Management - CRM
- Manage all aspects of a customer's relationship with organization to increase their customer loyalty and organization's profitability.
- CRM also a strategy,process and business process that organization must have.
by applying CRM, organization can identify types of customers, treat customers as an individual, understand customers buying behaviour.

3. Business Process Reengineering - BPR
-BPR is like standardized set of activities that accomplish a specific task such as processing a customers order such as McDonalds, KFC and so on.

4. Enterprise Resource Planning - ERP
-ERP integrates all department & functions thru an organization into single IT system.
-Employees make decision by view enterprisewide information on all business operations.
-Collects data from across an organization and correlates data generating enterprisewide view.

1st Day of Ramadhan :')

assalamualaikum readers, buat ape tu ? puasa tak ? hehehehe. sedar tak sedar hari ni dah pun puasa ke 7. Seminggu dah wei, cepat je masa berlalu.Dah lama tak update blog, hari ni baru la rajin sikit. Kat sini aku nak cerita sikit pasal 1st Day of Ramadhan kat rumah aku. :)
Alhamdulillah, Allah panjangkan lagi umur parents aku. Tahun ni aku berkesempatan lagi berpuasa dengan family, suka sangat. Tahun ni adik aku dah 8 tahun and mak ayah aku memang nak ajar dia puasa penuh. Kelakar last year dia puasa setengah hari la, tak puasa langsung. Tahun ni kalau dia puasa penuh parents aku belikan fixie. Masa aku kecik kecik dulu tak ade pon di offer apa apa. Agak terasa jugak actually. Takpe laaa kan.

                                                 Cantiknye fixie ni ! >.< Colourful . Nak jugak.

Masa sebelum puasa haritu, konon je nak tengok pengumuman puasa tapi tak dapat dapat sebab lambat bukak tv -.- . Punyalah tunggu sampai pukul 10 bagai nak rak tapi tak dapat dapat, hihi.
Aku balik kampung masa 1st day puasa, balik kampung kat Temerloh. Selalunya balik kampung ikut jalan lama tapi haritu tetiba je abah lalu highway. Lalu kat highway KL-Karak tu sejuk je. Udara dia fresh sangat ! Masa nak dekat sampai kampung singgah la kat bazar Ramadhan. Panjang memang panjang tp boleh dikatakan semua gerai jual makanan yang sama, kuih yang sama. contohnye murtabak. So, aku beli satay je la  kat bazaar tu sebab saudara mara kat kampung tu dah masak lauk untuk berbuka which is ayam percik, gulai itik,tilapia sweet sour. Memang terbaikk laa sedapnye. OK, tengah terliur ni -.-'.

Habis je berbuka, basuh pinggan and rehat kejap. Me with my sister went to Secret Recipe. Tujuannya nak celebrate birthday mereka mereka yang lahir bulan June and July.Melompat lompat ok masa nak pergi tu, memang tak tahu malu langsung aku ni. Huh. My sister beli whole cake of Pecan Butterscotch. It is delicious tapi bagi aku laaa kan ia terlalu manis sampai pakcik pakcik aku cakap 'Ni memang kek untuk orang yang ada diabetes ke?' Aku yang suka manis ni pon tak la suka benda yang terlalu manis. This is my opinion tapi tak tau laaa. Time tu sempat gak la merasa kek Black Forest and Black Forest Cheese. Black Forest Cheese ni memang sedap ok ? Cheese tu, hehehe.


                                                      BLACK FOREST CHEESE CAKE
                                                            PECAN BUTTERSCOTCH 

Jangan terliur tau ! :P
Wait for next entry !

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Thank You Housemates :')

It was on 30 June. 3 hari after my birthday.
Nak kata tak expect, memang dah expect dah. Semue housemate aku nak pergi sambut birthday aku dengan syu. Seriously, TERHARUUU GILAAAA !

Seumur hidup aku, tak ada pon kawan aku pergi sambut birthday aku. Memang tak merasa la makan Secret Recipe, Baskin Robbins. Kalau nak, tunggu balik rumah dulu la sambut dengan family. Tapi duduk asrama la weh, bukan selalu balik pon  ! Sebenarnye lagi bermakna dapat sambut hari 'special' kita with lovely family. Masa duduk asrama kat Seremban, dorang selalu prank aku gile jahat eh dengan campakkan aku segala ingredient untuk buat kek .Korang nak masukkan aku dalam oven ke ? Hahahaha. Hah, telur,tepung dengan macam macam la lagi. Memang tak dapat lupa laaa. Then masa form 5 kat Teknik Sepang sama jugak buat prank . Korang ingat aku tak tahu ke ? HAHAHA.
The best ever prank yang aku pernah kena masa form 5. Sumpah ye aku touching dengan korang korang *sambil tunjuk jari*. Ni malam birthday aku dorang buat biasa biasa je dengan aku and on that night Sir Shah (warden) masuk aspuri marah marah jerit jerit kuat kuat . Aku tak berapa paham pon apa yang dia marah and  
aku selak langsir tengok die marah marah kat level bawah. Masa tu dah light off k ? and then aku pon tidur je la macam biasa. Esoknye pulak satu sekolah kecoh pasal kejadian kenapa Sir Shah marah marah malam tadi. Aku pon malas nak amik port so aku buat don't know je la.

Malam birthday aku tu kiteorang baca surah Al-Mulk lepas solat isyak kat masjid. Memang tiap tiap malam la baca. Lepas habis baca Surah, Jannah cakap nak buat meeting dorm cakap pasal incident malam tadi. Masa meeting tu dorang cakap aku ni mulut tempayan, aku bagitahu Teha (MPP aka pengawas) yang ada dorm yang bising. Seriously terkejut what the heck tiba tiba nama aku naik ? Langsung tak ada cakap apa apa langsung ok ? Dalam hati sape la yang fitnah aku ni *sambil maki hamun*. Menangis aku dengar dorang tuduh aku dengan tone yang memang serious, serious sangat. Takut gila kot aku time tu. Pastu dah light off aku off to bed and tidur tidur ayam sambil nangis macam ala ala snow white yang kena fitnah bukan yang makan epal beracun.hahaha.. Then dorm tu senyap sangat. Aku bukak mata dorang kat depan aku bawak hadiah and card. Birthday card tu aku simpan sampai sekarang sebab aku sayang sangat dekat dorang ! And yang paling lawak sekali apa yang ada dalam bungkusan hadiah tu. Dlam tu ada makanan aku yang ada dalam locker ! Rupe rupenye dorang curi ! Patutla bila bukak tempat makanan, segala jajan aku semue dah tinggal sikit. Dalam hati 'kenapa tinggal sikit je ? aku makan ke ?' Tak expect langsung ye dorang yang ambik jajan aku tu. Sedih tau. wuwuwuwuwuwu :( Tu la story nye masa form 5. Maybe macam tak best tapi kalau korang ada kat tempat aku mesti nangis, terharu bagai . Aku malas nak cerita dengan detail lagi sebab dah malas. Hihihi.
Thank you awak awak semue 'Shakirin,Fathin,Jannah,Efy,Ila,Im,Niza,Wani,Farah,Hanim,Fiq' Love you all !

And berbalik story pasal 30 June,
kiteorang pergi celebrate birthay aku dengan syu kat Secret Recipe and it is Chocolate Chip Walnut !! Dance happily masa tu jugak. Hehehehe. Semue tengah lapa gilaaa kot masa tu and finally end up with dinner dengan nasi. Aku tak boleh kalau tak makan nasi sehari. Memang pasive je.

Chocolate Chip Walnut

With Syuhada :)

Syu,Dila,Izzati and Fatin :)
Tak lupa jugak dekat Siti,Qid,Yana and Aimi <3

Sayang korangg gila gila laaahhhh !

Thank You !
“A friend stands on the sidelines

of your life, proudly cheering you
on as you win each of life`s battles
but a true friend is there in the
fight with you.”
Lain kali buat la lagi eh ? *winkwink*