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Sunday 24 June 2012

Chapter 1 : Business Driven Technology .

Hello dear friends ! We already finished Information Technology Chapter 1. It discussed about business driven technology. As we known IT stands for Information Technology. Information Technology is everywhere in business.With technology, it is convenient to access any information. For instance, today almost everyone use smartphone such as :


This smartphone provide wifi and internet connection. So,directly their users can get the information they need without wasting their time to log on the computer which takes a long time. This is called technology. Technology makes people easy to communicate. IT is very important to business. With IT, business organization can access data, information and business intelligence such as Microsoft Excel.

                                                               STUDYYY SMART ! ^^
Hmmmm, what is organizational information structure ? 
I'm sure that most of your face like that right ? HAHAHA.


Errrrr, "Don't know Whatever Blah Blah and Blurrr ?"

Or maybe "OHHH, i know that while laying on your bed like this ?" 


Never mind if you don't know that man !

OK. I will refresh your mind so you'll know about this. It plays very very very important role in determining how successfully it will share information. Do you know that culture will influence the way people use information *their information behaviour* and will reflect the importance that company leader attributes to the use of information in achieving success or avoiding failure

There are 3 types of organizational information cultures.Which are information functional culture. It means everyone has their own function. Sales department refuse to share information about their sales income with finance department. So, manager of finance department need the sales income information each time new sales income and strategy is developed. Other than that, there are also information-sharing culture which means every different department trust and share with each other. Another type of organizational information culture is information-inquiring culture. It means that every department in the business organization search for information they need that will lead them to latest trend and new direction. Lastly is information-discovery culture. It's about employees in all department are open to new insight and goal about the challenges and find initiative to create competitive advantage. 

The conclusion is the business success is depends on the people, information and information technology. If one fail then others will fail too. This quote is especially for you :)

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