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Thursday 20 September 2012

Chapter 12 - Integrating the Organization from End to End - Enterprise Resource Planning

OK ! This is last chapter of IT that we have learned. Actually, there is still another 8 chapter but we haven't finished yet .

this entry tell us ERP
*when a users enters or updates information in one module, it is immediately and automatically updated throughout the entire system.

Evolution of ERP

*SCM, CRM, and ERP are the backbone of e-business
*integration of those applications is hte key of success for many companies
*integration allows the unlocking of information to make it available to any user, anywhere,anytime.

Integration Tools
*Many companies purchased module from ERP,SCM,and CRM vendor and must integrate the different modules together.
*Middleware- several diff. types of software which sit in the middle of and provide connectivity btween 2 or more software applications.
*Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) middleware - packages togther commonly used functionally which reduced the time necessary to develop solutions that integrate applications from multiple vendors.

ERP must integrate  various organization processes and be :
@ flexible
@modular and open
@ comprehensive
@ beyond the company

Alhamdulillah, thank you :)

Chapter 11 .

Assalamualaikum, tonight i'm very sleepy but i tried my best to complete this entry :)
this entry is about Building Customer-Centric Organization-Customer Relationship Management.

CRM enables organizations to :
- provide better customer service
-make call centers more efficient
-cross sell products more effectively
-help sales staff close deals faster
-simplify marketing and sales process
-discover new customers
-increase customers revenues

Evolution of CRM

Operational CRM : support traditional processing for day to day front office operations or systems that deal directly with customers

Analytical CRM : supports back office operations and strategic analysis and includes all systems that do not deal directly with the customers.

CRM success factors :
  • clearly communicate CRM strategy
  • define information needs and flows
  • build an integrated view of the customer
  • implement in iterations
  • scalability for organizational growth.

wait, there is 1 more chapter ! ^^

Supply Chain Management :)

OK ! Alhamdulillah we meet again.
This entry is about ...

Supply chain management 
average company spends nearly half of every dollar that it earns on production.

has three main links :-
1. material flows from suppliers and their 'upstream' suppliers at all levels
2. transformation of material info semifinished and finished products through organization's own production process.
3. distribution of products to customers & their downstream customers at all levels.

Supply chain visibility
ability to view all areas up & down the supply chain

Bullwhip effect
occurs when distorted product demand info passes from on entity to the next throughout the supply chain.

Demand planning software
generates demand forecasts using statistical tools and forecasting needs.

Supply chain planning (SCP) software
uses advanced mathematical algorithms to improve the flow and efficiency of the supply chain.

Supply chain execution
automates the different steps and stages of supply chain

Thats all ! ^^

Chapter 9 : Enabling the Organization - Decision Making

Hai ! How's your day ? Hope today is your good day :)
Today i want to discuss about enabling organization focus on decision making.

There are reason for growth of decision making information system :

  • people need to analyze large amount of information
  • people must make decision quickly
  • people must apply sophisticated analysis technique
  • people must protect corporate asset of organizational  information
Transaction Processing System
moving up thru organizational pyramid users move from requiring transactional information to analytical information.

Decision Support System 
model information to support managers & business professionals during the decision-making process.
DSS used three quantitative models that are :- sensitivity analysis, what-if analysis and goal seeking analysis.

Interaction between DSS and TPS 

Executive Information System (EIS) - a specialized DSS that supports senior level executives within the organization.

EIS offering capabilities :
1. consolidation
2. drill down
3. slice-and-dice
Interaction between TPS and EIS

Digital dashboard
~integrates info from multiple components and presents it in unified display
 example of dashboard
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
*ultimate goal is ability to build a system that can mimic human intelligence
*intelligent system - various commercial applications of artificial intelligence
*artificial intelligence - simulates human intelligence such as ability to reason and learn

Ok friendssss ! Til this my entry. see you in next entry !

Thursday 6 September 2012

Goodness from MONAVIE.

HAI followers ! :)
Entry kali ni aku nak story pasal Monavie. Kenapa eh Monavie tibe tibe pulak ? 
Eh, biarlah aku nak tulis ape kan. :P  Idea nak cite pasal Monavie ni tiba tiba je ade dalam kepala aku ni. Actually, aku ni adalah pengguna Monavie. Alhamdulillah guna Monavie ni kan ada banyak perubahan la. Maybe orang tak perasan tp tu tak kisah la janji kita sedar perubahan. Macam aku minum Monavie ni 3 kali sehari. pagi, tengah hari, malam aku minum tp tak kisah la bila bila nak minum sebab takde limit pon. Feel free to drink it. Monavie ni bagi aku tenaga, tak mengantuk, tak penat and selalu gak la aku digest. 

*MonaVie :)*

Monavie ni satu gabungan buah acai berry yang hanya terdapat di hutan Amazon serta gabungan 18 jenis buah-buahan terpilih dan terbaik dunia untuk membekalkan daya tenaga paling optimum untuk badan kita. Kandungannya telah disahkan oleh pakar-pakar antarabangsa mempunyai unsur-unsur anti-pengoksidaan yang amat tinggi serta nutrient-nutrient berkhasiat yang boleh meransgangkan penyembuhan luar biasa serta menyediakan pertahanan badan daripada pelbagai jenis penyakit.

Dr Perricone di dalam bukunya ‘The Perricone’s Promise’ menggelar buah acai sebagai buah yang paling berkhasiat di dunia.

Monavie ni ade banyak khasiat tau seperti :
1. Vitamin
2. Phytonutrients
3. Dietary Fiber
4. Trace Mineral
5. Complex Carbohidrat
6. Amino Acid / Protein (menyerupai Profil Telur)
7. Omega 3,6,9 (menyerupai minyak buah kurma)

Jus Monavie mengandungi 19 jenis buah-buahan!
khasiat monavie acai berry

Ramai yang berjaya sembuh dari pelbagai penyakit kronik mereka setelah meminum Jus Monavie.  Berikut adalah antara penyakit yang dapat dibantu dengan Jus Monavie.
* Susah tidur malam
* Sakit Sendi
* Lemah Lutut
* Kolestrol Tinggi
* Kencing Manis
* Buah Pinggang
* Gout
* Sakit kulit, Gatal-gatal
* Arthritis
* Sakit Jantung
* Kanser
* Stroke/Lumpuh
* Sakit tulang belakang
* Resdung
* Eczema
* Letih Lesu
* Asma
* Haid Tidak Teratur
* Lemah Antibodi
* Denggi
* Sembelit
* Buasir
* Jangkitan Faraj
* Gastrik
* Darah Tinggi
* Lemah Tenaga Batin
* Mati Pucuk
* Ingatan lemah
* Mudah Lupa
* Alzheimer
* Alahan
 Ape je yang masalah kesihatan yang korang alami, insyaAllah Monavie boleh selesaikan.

Monavie ini boleh didapati dalam botol 750ml yang terdiri dari dua jenis iaitu botol hijau dan botol ungu. Ia juga boleh didapati  dalam bentuk gel.  Ada 2 jenis Monavie which are Original,Pulse and Active

MonaVie Original
  • Terdapat dalam bentuk jus dan juga gel
  • Mengandungi 19 jenis buah-buahan
  • Menawarkan antioksida yang berpotensi untuk melawan radikal bebas
  • Khasiat pelbagai nutrisi dalam satu botol untuk mendapatkan tahap kesihatan yang optima 
  • Boleh diminum oleh semua golongan termasuk kanak-kanak dan juga wanita mengandung dan menyusukan anak.
MonaVie Active  
  • Terdapat dalam bentuk jus dan juga gel
  • Mengandungi 19 buah + Glucosamine Hydrochloride (daripada jagung)*
  • MonaVie Active dirumus berasaskan formula yang sangat selamat, walaubagaimanapun untuk jangka masa panjang ia tidak digalakkan kepada kanak-kanak dibawah 12 tahun dan wanita mengandung dan menyusukan anak. Golongan ini sesuai minum MonaVie Original. 

*MonaVie Active menampilkan glucosamine hydrochloride yang secara saintifiknya telah menunjukkan mampu meningkatkan fungsi sendi yang memudahkan kita bergerak bebas.Individu yang mengamalkan MonaVie Active ini mendapati tahap tenaga dan kesihatan mereka meningkat dan juga masalah sendi mereka bertambah baik.Amalkan minum MonaVie Active 4 oz setiap hari dapat meningkatkan aktiviti antioksida dalam tubuh seterusnya melawan radikal bebas yang menyerang sendi badan.

  MonaVie Pulse
  • Ada tambahan plant sterols
  • berfungsi untuk turunkan paras kolestrol dalam badan
  • memelihara jantung
  • sesuai untuk ahli sukan dan mereka yang aktif
  • sesuai untuk perokok

Kalau berminat nak beli Monavie ni, bolehla beli dari aku. tak mahal pon harga below RM100 boleh nego. :)


Data warehouse. What is that ? Do you know about it ? maybe some of you think 'warehouse' that sells clothes right ? It's simple. Warehouse is place for storage of goods. So, automatically we can say it as place of storage of data. Get it ? Picture below shows you data warehouse .
 it is a logical collection of information that gathered from many different operational databases that supports business activities & decision making start.

Data warehouse compiled information from internal or transactional/operational databases & external databases through extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL)
Data warehouse sends subsets of the information to data mart.
Information is multidimensional : contains layers of columns and rows
To present multidimensional information, a cube is used in common term.

                                                                        Example of cube
Data mining is the process of analyzing data to extract information not offered by raw data alone and to  perform it, users need data mining tools such as query tools, reporting tools, statistical tools and intelligent agent. This tools use a variety of techniques to find patterns and relationship in large volume of information.

To  increase quality of organizational information and effectiveness, businesses must develop strategy to keep information clean. Information cleansing or scrubbing is process that weed out & fixes or discard inconsistent, incorrect or incomplete information.

In addition, business intelligence is information that people use to support their decision making efforts.
Principle BI enablers include technology, culture and people.

Thats all i can conclude about this chapter and see you again ! :)